Dinghy sailing at YDSC includes everything from taster sessions, learning to sail, recreational sailing and racing. Club members sail a wide variety of craft, the more popular of which can be viewed via the Boat Types at YDSC page.
Recreational Sailing
Recreational sailing gives members and their guests the freedom to go out on the water whenever they like. Whether you’re taking the family out for a summer sail or just getting some practice in, you’ll be on the water with like minded people. It’s all about being able to chat and share experiences in an informal environment so you’ll be able to improve your sailing, gain confidence or even have a go in a different boat!
Recreational sailing is available almost anytime that the club is open with the exception of a couple of weekends when special events are running. These are listed in the calendar and usually feature on the Facebook group. There is normally safety boat cover during club opening times, but even if there is not a safety boat out then you can still sail so long as you have another boat on the water with you so you can help each other if you have difficulties – this is called buddy sailing. There must be at least two boats on the water at any time. If you want your own key to gain access to the club or club house at other times, you can contact the membership secretary to get one. There is a returnable deposit required.
You can sail in most of the reservoir, but there are some restrictions. There is a map of the sailing area, access and hazards (see button below). There are additional restrictions at certain times, but these will be advertised. Note you can’t go past the far end of the dam wall and the inlet with the bridge at any time and you should not sail past the last line of buoys near the dam. The inlet can be hard to see, so please check the map and if in doubt please stay within the buoys. If you’re bringing guests, don’t forget that you must put their names in the Guest Book in the club room for safety and insurance purposes.
Recreational sailing during racing – When club racing or open meetings are taking place then recreational sailing will usually still continue as usual throughout the day. The few exceptions will be advertised in the Club Calendar. If the club is running races, it’s better not to sail where the racing is taking place and to know the basic rules governing right of way just in case you encounter a boat that’s racing. You can check the race area on the ‘course board’ or just ask around.
Club Boats for Hire
Did you know that the club has its own boats? They are used for club training, and are all available for hire (by club members only) outside club training times. Please make the suggested nominal donation to cover upkeep.